Take the “Z” out™ Press Release
Imagine feeling helpless your entire life when you hear a word that is your name, or the name of something you love, butchered all the time?
For those who know,: Ever feel helpless every time you hear the “Z” in Muslim and Islam? (Mu“Z”lim, I“Z”lam)
You KNOW exactly what we’re talking about. The “Z” is rampant in ALL levels of society from our leaders to the public.
What if there was a campaign to correct it? Well now there is! And the “Z” is going to go away with your help. 😃👍✔
Take the “Z” out™ is an international, borderless, educational campaign that is changing lives, literally one letter at a time. It’s working! People who have experienced it have genuinely realized their mispronunciation.
The campaign comes along with The “Z” song™, a Public Service Announcement that highlights the use of the “Z”. It’s just 90 seconds of shareable education that is helping correct the public’s mispronunciation.
Pronunciation matters. People who have experienced the campaign have genuinely realized their mispronunciation and have made efforts to correct it. It’s literally taking the “Z” out and replacing it with an “S” (Mu”Z”lim → Mu”S”lim)
Now it’s up to you! Shouldn’t your colleagues know?
Are you a teacher? Help get this into the curriculum and share with fellow educators. Other educators are participating too.
Are you a community leader? You know your colleagues say Muslim with the “Z”, so why not help them out by sharing this campaign?
Are you just someone who cares? Words matter. Names matter. Help make a difference and share the campaign!
Tweet your “Z” experience or post on Instagram using #takethezout We need more conversations!
There is no need to feel helpless every time you hear the “Z” in Muslim and Islam anymore. Just Take the “Z” out™!
Make it change. Participate and share widely.